Sunday 27 September 2015

World This Week: 20 July-26 July 2015

20 July 2015
• UNSC adopted resolution endorsing Iran nuclear deal
• 36th annual American Book Awards announced
• Maurice Obstfeld appointed as Chief Economist of IMF
• Benoy Behl won the Best Documentary Producer award at Madrid International Film Festival
• Peter Higgs received Royal Society’s Copley Medal, the world's oldest scientific prize
• Longtime cartoonist Tom Moore died

21 July 2015
• India and Singapore signed agreement to enhance maritime cooperation
• Japanese Cabinet approved Defence White Paper 2015
• Conakry named as World Book Capital for 2017 by UNESCO
• India and Singapore signed agreement to enhance maritime cooperation
• Hisao Tanaka resigned as CEO and President of Toshiba

22 July 2015
• Soyuz rocket with 3 astronauts launched towards ISS
• China returned passport to dissident artist Ai Weiwei
• Forbes Asia's Fabulous 50 List of the year 2015 released
• 61st edition of Fortune 500 list released; 7 Indian companies in the list

23 July 2015

• French film The Big Day to showcase Anand Kumar's Super 30
• Earth-like exoplanet Kepler 452b discovered

24 July 2015

• Helena Ndume, Jorge Sampaio awarded with first-ever Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Prize
• Mosquirix, world's first malaria vaccine, approved by European Medicines Agency
• WTO members sealed a deal to cut tariffs on $1 trillion worth IT products

25 July 2015
• EU banned marketing of around 700 generic medicines of GVK Biosciences
• World's largest flower Amorphophallus Titanum bloomed at Jindai Botanical Gardens in Tokyo

26 July 2015
• Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel of Germany won Hungarain Formula One Grand Prix
• Team Sky cyclist Chris Froome of Britain won 102nd Tour de France

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